Saturday, July 29, 2006

In like Flynn...

Well, time to hop on this bandwagon I guess. Only a couple years behind in the big deal. By the time I've got this shit figured out, I'll have to start "podcasting" my life or something.

My real hopes in doing this is to stay in touch with some people I barely talk to and speak to even less. I doubt the content will be at all stimulating to the average stranger (and maybe not even to the intended audience).
Here's a recent pic of me and my "peeps" (Sarah's behind the camera). As it is about 1:00 am and these clowns don't exactly sleep in, I'm out. More to come...


Turner said...

Nice to see you are keeping up on the life of Grover! That picture of you makes me think your life might be a little different than mine. Things are well with me here in Jersey. Nice of you to join the world of blogging, its a small cirlce of us here, but it keeps the connection alive. Ill add you to my bookmarks - dont be laim like some smithereens and blog only twice a year!

Fatt said...

Good to hear...I'll do my best to keep up to date. Glad to hear things are going well. Later.

All Jacks' said...

Afterburner... well said. Twice a year, if we're lucky.

Fatt, welcome to the big time. I wrote a little response on my blog, so I'll try not to repeat myself.

The fam looks great!!! I'm willing to bet that pic scares the shit out of Rick. Maybe Ryan too... who am I kidding, I'm scared, I admit it.

Gotta go pack...

Lorraine said...

Your little crew is adorable - but I'm guessing you knew that already. I hope you can find time to keep this updated once in a while - it'll be fun to 'watch' the adventures unfold :)

r said...

Wut up bitches!