Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Trip to the Park

I don't know how to backdate these things, so tackling the problem the logical way:

Sept 9, 2006 - Took a trip to Hawerlak Park in Edmonton on the weekend. Weather was perfect, had a few laughs kicking the leaves, playing many games of "chase", a few friendly games of tackle football and feeding the ducks. Some advice though...before you go throwing a whole loaf of bread to the nice, cute duckies, make sure there are no Canada geese around. I was quite surprised at their size as well as their lack of manners. At one point, we actually had to pick the kids up and run off as the geese were literally trying to attack us! Anyway, more to come in the near future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was chased out of a Victoria park once by a whole flock - yeah, that's a fun image isn't it?! Racoons are like that too - love 'em, but I think they would disembowel you in a heartbeat. Glad your family made it out in once piece, errr...5 pieces! ;)